Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

The Medical Faculty is the longest established faculty in Hong Kong. The Faculty was deemed as the premier Faculty when the University was established in 1911. Serving Hong Kong for over a century, it has firmly established itself as a medical school of learning, innovation, and enterprising; it is a medical school of moral, vision, and care. Since its inception, the Faculty has been playing a pioneering role in medical education, training and research.
Admissions Information:
HKU Medical Campus Virtual Tour:
click here to explore our facilities, learning environment and more!
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Admissions Talk
[JS6456] Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery [MBBS] (in Cantonese)
Admissions Talk
[JS6494] Bachelor of Pharmacy [BPharm] (in Cantonese)
Admissions Talk
[JS6250] Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Global Health and Development [BASc(GHD)] (in English)
Alumni Sharing
【第三集】想燃點每個希望 | [EP 3] I Want to Spark a Ray of Hope...
Admissions Talk
[JS6468] Bachelor of Nursing [BNurs] & [JS6418] Bachelor of Nursing Advanced Leadership Track [BNurs-ALT] (in Cantonese)
Admissions Talk
[JS6494] Bachelor of Pharmacy [BPharm] (in English)
Student Sharing
【第一集】想照顧好社會上最需要照顧嘅一群 | [EP 1] I Wish to Help Those in Need…
Student Sharing
【第四集】想服務我成長的地方 | [EP 4] I Want to Give Back to The Place Where I Grew Up
Admissions Talk
[JS6482] Bachelor of Chinese Medicine [BChinMed] (in Cantonese)
Admissions Talk
[JS6949] Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences [BBiomedSc] & [JS6470] Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics [BSc(Bioinformatics)] (in English)
Alumni Sharing
【第二集】想幫助人渡過難關 | [EP 2] I Want to Help Others Through These Tough Times...